The way I make toast is enough to drive anyone
crazy. It has. It does. Yet, zealously, I still strive for those two perfect
slices with my morning tea.
I keep my bread in the refrigerator because it
is a sprouted grain variety without any preservatives. I discovered a few years
ago that cold bread doesn’t toast evenly so I warm it up a bit in the toaster
before I start the actual process. And it is
a process. I put the bread in the toaster for one minute at a time. Down. Up.
Down. Up. Down. Up. You get the idea. Between all the upping and downing I give
it a rest to let some of the moisture evaporate. I do this because, unlike
many, I want my toast crispy all the way through—but not too brown. And I don’t
want the pat of butter (perhaps, pat is an understatement) and the dollop of
jam compromising the crunch.
Does it sound obsessive to you? Probably. I
know that anyone in the house waiting to use the toaster after me thinks that
it is. Sometimes I miscalculate and must add scraping into the ritual. Sometimes I
throw it away and start over. I don’t know anyone who really enjoys burnt
toast. Burnt toast is a bummer.
But it isn’t the end of the world, is it? In
fact, it is nothing more than crumbs when compared to real tragedy.
I have a book on my shelf that I re-read every
few years. Mrs. Mike is a story
about Kathy, an Irish girl in the early twentieth century who travels from Boston to her uncle's home in Calgary to recover from
pleurisy and marries Mike Flannigan, a sergeant in the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police. Kathy leaves behind everything that is familiar to
move with her husband to isolated posts in the far north of British Columbia
and Alberta. In just a few short years she experiences the kind of hardship and
heartache that would break many woman. It nearly breaks Kathy.
When she returns home to her mother’s boarding
house in Boston to recover from her devastating losses, she is plunged into the
everyday concerns of smaller lives. Burnt toast in the morning becomes an
occasion for exaggerated discord and complaint among the boarders, and
nineteen-year-old Kathy realizes how much adversity has changed her, how it has
added depth and dimension to her life. As Sergeant Mike Flannigan tells her,
“When little things are so important, it's because there aren’t any big ones.”

Burnt Toast by Todd Gipstein