Friday, July 21, 2017


     I blame it on my husband. He started it all by buying me an iphone and dragging me into the 21st century. I couldn't sleep my first night of ownership, overwhelmed by all of the technology I was going to have to learn to make the purchase worthwhile. I've always quipped that I wasn't smart enough to use a smartphone. Turns out I know more than I realized, and I've left the stress behind as I learn to navigate the apps. Yeah baby. I'm feeling my oats.

     See what I mean? That's not how I talk. It's my husband's fault for buying that iphone.

     I went to get my shoulder-length hair trimmed last Saturday and came home with it all chopped off. With my new iphone in my purse, suddenly, I was feeling like a modern woman. I have never worn short hair before, not even as a child, and now I have a pixie. When I went to change my bitmoji profile there wasn't a hair-length equivalent. I'm not losing sleep as I did with the iphone, but I have mixed emotions over the change, a moment of shock each time I glance in the mirror. The daily wash and dry routine is exceptional, but I've never been adept at styling or the use of mousse, gel and hairspray. Is there an app for that? Needless to say, my new do only remotely resembles Emma Thompson's in the photo that I showed my hairdresser.

     The long and short of it is that I have decided to grow my hair out to look like my bitmoji, rather than the other way round.


  1. Oh dear you sound a bit like me - I don't have a smartphone yet and I'm not sure what a bitmoji is either - I had my hair cut short a couple of years ago and it suits me far better but I get annoyed at having to go to the hairdressers more often to keep it in shape - so I say welcome to the 21sr century I will join you there one day

    1. Ah, but you are on Instagram and I am not, so you are already straddling the line. Regrettably, I will soon need to join Facebook or miss out on all of the family doings. Sigh.

  2. I have no clue as to what a bitmoji is but yours sure is cute! (I ought to know a word more chic than cute, shouldn't I? I bet your new pixie is very flattering and oh the freedom and cool neck.

    My youngest son is the one who drug me into the 21st century and set me up on FB, then told me about it! I have a love/hate relationship with FB, an ebb and flow in my interest but I do love getting to see pics of my granddaughters quickly.

    I love Emma Thompson!

  3. Oddly enough, you ladies are boosting my morale with your admission of ignorance on the bitmoji! It is so rare that I know how to do something related to technology that isn't already becoming obsolete.

    Isn't it amazing what having grandchildren will motivate us to do?

  4. I am looking up bitmoji so I don't have to ask. I will then post a bitmoji of my pixie cut in which I do not resemble Audrey Hepburn or even Judi Dench.
